Arrow functions
- The full name is arrow function expressions, because arrow functions are always expressions.
- Valid cases
- Stored in a variable,
- Passed as an argument to a function,
- Stored in an object's property.
- Parameters
- When there is only one parameter, the parentheses can be omitted.
- When there is zero or multiple parameters, the parentheses cannot be omitted.
- Function body
- Concise body syntax: when there is only a single expression, curly braces,
, and semi-colons can all be omitted. - Block body syntax: when there is more than a single expression.
- Concise body syntax: when there is only a single expression, curly braces,
const fn0 = () => result;
const fn1 = _ => result;
const fn2 = singleParam => result;
const fn3 = (param1, param2) => result;
const fn4 = (param1, param2) => {
return result;
- When not to use arrow functions
- Arrow functions are only expressions. There is no arrow function declaration.
- There is a gotcha with the
keyword in arrow functions.
and regular functions
Function Call | this |
With the new operator | The new object |
With call / apply | Specified by call / apply |
Method of an object | The object the method is called from |
With no context | - In non-strict mode: the global object - In strict mode: undefined |
and arrow functions
is based on the function's surrounding context.- The value of
inside an arrow function is the same as the value ofthis
outside the function.
Default function parameters
const fn1 = function (param1 = 'defaultValue1', param2 = 'defaultValue2') {
Defaults and destructuring arrays
function createGrid([width = 5, height = 5]) {
return `Generates a ${width} x ${height} grid`;
createGrid([]); // Generates a 5 x 5 grid
createGrid([2]); // Generates a 2 x 5 grid
createGrid([2, 3]); // Generates a 2 x 3 grid
createGrid([undefined, 3]); // Generates a 5 x 3 grid
- The
function expects an array to be passed to it. - It uses destructuring to set the first and second items in the array.
- If the array is empty or if it has only one item in it, then the default parameters kick in.
createGrid(); // throws an error
function createGrid([width = 5, height = 5] = []) {
return `Generates a ${width} x ${height} grid`;
createGrid(); // Generates a 5 x 5 grid
- The function expects an array to be passed in for destructuring.
- Pass in non-array arguments will result in error.
- Pass in an array, and then other arguments is fine.
- When no parameter is passed in, it throws an error.
- With
= []
, ifcreateGrid()
is called without any argument, it will use this default empty array.
Defaults and destructuring objects
- A function can have an object be a default parameter and use object destructuring.
- An advantage of object defaults over array defaults is that it is easier to skip a parameter.
function createSundae({scoops = 1, toppings = ['Hot Fudge']}) {
const scoopText = scoops === 1 ? 'scoop' : 'scoops';
return `Your sundae has ${scoops} ${scoopText} with ${toppings.join(' and ')} toppings.`;
// Your sundae has 1 scoop with Hot Fudge toppings.
createSundae({scoops: 2});
// Your sundae has 2 scoops with Hot Fudge toppings.
createSundae({scoops: 2, toppings: ['Sprinkles']});
// Your sundae has 2 scoops with Sprinkles toppings.
createSundae({toppings: ['Cookie Dough']});
// Your sundae has 1 scoop with Cookie Dough toppings.
- The same issue applies to calling
without any argument. - Use
{scoops = 1, toppings = ['Hot Fudge']} = {}
to specify a default object value.
JavaScript class
- JavaScript classes are just a thin mirage over regular functions and prototypal inheritance.
- The constructor function is called with the new keyword.
- The constructor function, by convention, starts with a capital letter.
- The constructor function controls the setting of data on the objects that will be created.
- "Inherited" methods are placed on the constructor function's prototype object.
ES5 classes
function Plane(numEngines) {
this.numEngines = numEngines;
this.enginesActive = false;
Plane.prototype.startEngines = function () {
console.log('starting engines...');
this.enginesActive = true;
ES6 classes
- ES6 provides a new
syntax. - A
is just a function. - When creating a new instance, the
keyword must be used. Otherwise, an error will be thrown. - Use keyword
to mark a method as static.
class Plane {
// everything inside the constructor function
// is inside the new constructor method
constructor(numEngines) {
this.numEngines = numEngines;
this.enginesActive = false;
// methods are placed inside the class
startEngines() {
console.log('starting engines…');
this.enginesActive = true;
typeof Plane; // function
- Benefits of classes
- Less setup
- Clearly defined constructor function
- Everything is contained
ES6 subclasses
- Use
to extend a class. - In the constructor function,
must be called beforethis
can be used.
// ES6 version
class Tree {
constructor(size = '10', leaves = {spring: 'green', summer: 'green', fall: 'orange', winter: null}) {
this.size = size;
this.leaves = leaves;
this.leafColor = null;
changeSeason(season) {
this.leafColor = this.leaves[season];
if (season === 'spring') {
this.size += 1;
class Maple extends Tree {
constructor(syrupQty = 15, size, leaves) {
// super as a function
super(size, leaves);
this.syrupQty = syrupQty;
changeSeason(season) {
// super as an object
if (season === 'spring') {
this.syrupQty += 1;
gatherSyrup() {
this.syrupQty -= 3;
// ES5 version
function Tree(size, leaves) {
this.size = (typeof size === "undefined")? 10 : size;
const defaultLeaves = {spring: 'green', summer: 'green', fall: 'orange', winter: null};
this.leaves = (typeof leaves === "undefined")? defaultLeaves : leaves;
Tree.prototype.changeSeason = function(season) {
this.leafColor = this.leaves[season];
if (season === 'spring') {
this.size += 1;
function Maple (syrupQty, size, leaves) {, size, leaves);
this.syrupQty = (typeof syrupQty === "undefined")? 15 : syrupQty;
Maple.prototype = Object.create(Tree.prototype);
// maple's prototype has been overwritten, so
// the constructor property and the original
// constructor function needs to be reconnected
Maple.prototype.constructor = Maple;
Maple.prototype.changeSeason = function(season) {, season);
if (season === 'spring') {
this.syrupQty += 1;
Maple.prototype.gatherSyrup = function() {
this.syrupQty -= 3;