Web Tooling Automation
06 Optimization


Development and Production Modes

  • Development tasks contain things needed all the time
    • Sass processing
    • Live editing

Development Mode

  • Create a dist that holds generated file separated from the source files
  • dist stands for distribution. The code there is the minimized and optimized output of the build process.
- dist/
  - css/
  - js/
  - index.html
  • Update gulpfile
// change this line
// to this lines
// copy files
gulp.task('copy-html', function() {
gulp.task('copy-images', function() {
// set new watch
watch('/index.html', gulp.series('copy-html'));

CSS Concatenation

  • Advantages
    • Reduce the number of HTTP requests needed to load the page.
    • Easier for dependency management with one script block.
  • Glue CSS and JavaScript files together through concatenation.
  • The files are then crunched together through minification.
  • Sass does both concatenation and minification.
    • Include a single Sass file in the html.
    • Then use the @import directive in the Sass to input other files.
    • These inputs will be put inline and turned into one big CSS file by the Sass compiler.

Production ready version site

gulp.task('dist', gulp.series(

Future Proof JavaScript

  • There is a way to run the latest spec of JavaScript, ES6, despite the browser support.
  • The transpiler takes one programming language, and converts it into another.
  • Babel JS
const babel = require('gulp-babel');
// add to scripts tasks
// .pipe(babel())

Source Map

  • Source maps are files that associate line numbers from the processed file to the original.
  • The browser can then lookup the current line number in the sourcemap and open the right source file at the correct line when debugging.
npm install gulp-sourcemaps
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
gulp.task('scripts-dist', function() {
    // initialize after getting the source  
    // write source maps after all plugins
    // and pipes have been applied but before
    // saving to the destination

Image Optimization

  • Lossless compression
    • imagemin: can losslessly compress JPEGs, GIFS, PNGs and SVGs.
  • Lossy compression
    • Lossy compression can only recreate an approximation of the original.
    • PNG quantization
      • There are colors that our vision and brain perceives as very similar, even though they’re different.
      • pngquant: automatically revert the change if a certain quality threshold isn’t passed.
const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
const pngquant = require('imagemin-pngquant');
gulp.task('default', function() {
  return gulp.src('src/images/*')
      // progressive rendering loads an image in layers where
      // each layer makes the image more detailed
      progressive: true,
      use: [pngquant()]