Intro to Functions
function name(params) {
// code block
Parameter vs argument
- Parameter: a variable name that appears in the function declaration.
- Argument: a value that appears in the code when the function is invoked.
- Parameters are always passed by value.
Return value
- A function always returns some value back to the caller.
- When return value is not specified, the function will return
.- E.g.
- E.g.
- Global scope
- Variables defined outside of an function
- Function scope
- Global variable can be overriden inside a function.
- Preventable by redeclaring the same variable in the function.
// shadowing
var a = "a";
var b = "b";
function shadow() {
a = "c"; // shadowing
var b = "c"; // no shadowing
console.log(a); // a
console.log(b); // b
console.log(a); // c, shadowed
console.log(b); // b
- Before any JavaScript is executed, all function declarations are "hoisted" to the top of their current scope.
- Functions can be called before they are defined in a scope.
- Only declaration is hoisted. Assignment is not. So hoisted variables can still be undefined.
- The best practice is to define functions at the top of the scripts, and variables at the top of the functions.
// only declaration is hoisted
function sayGreeting() {
var greeting = "hello";
sayGreeting(); // undefined
// equivalent function
function sayGreeting() {
var greeting;
greeting = "hello";
// hoisting prevents access of global variable
var greeting = "hello";
function sayGreeting() {
console.log(greeting); // undefined
var greeting = "hello2";
sayGreeting(); // undefined
Function as parameters
- A function passed into another function is called a callback.
Function expressions
- A function stored in a variable.
- Anonymous function.
var variable = function(params) {
// anonymous function body
- Use the variable name to call the function.
- Function expressions are not hoisted.
sayGreeting(); // sayGreetings is not a function
var sayGreeting = function() {
// equivalent code
var sayGreeting;
sayGreeting = function() {
Named function expressions
var variable = function name(params) {
// function body
// call name() gives an error
Inline function expressions
- Using function expressions that pass a function into another function inline, is really common in JavaScript.
function movies(messageFunction, name) {
movies(function displayFavorite(movieName) {
console.log("My favorite movie is " + movieName);
}, "Finding Nemo");
- Anonymous inline function expressions are often used for function callbacks that are not going to be reused elsewhere.
function movies(messageFunction, name) {
movies(function(movieName) {
console.log("My favorite movie is " + movieName);
}, "Finding Nemo");