React - Why React?

React - Why React?


React Syllabus


  • What makes React special?
    • Compositional model
    • Declarative nature
    • The way data flows from parent to child
    • React is just JavaScript


  • React code composes functions to get UI.

  • Composition

    • Combine simple functions to build complicated ones.
    • Good function follows DOT rule (Do One Thing).
  • React component

// simple components
<Page />
<article />
<Sidebar />
// component composition
  <article />
  <Sidebar />

Declarative Code

  • Imperative code

    • Imperative: expressing a command; commanding.

    • Exactly what to do and how to do it.

      const people = ['Amanda', 'Geoff', 'Michael', 'Richard', 'Ryan', 'Tyler'];
      const excitedPeople = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {
        excitedPeople[i] = people[i] + '!';
  • Declarative code

    • Declare what to be done.
      const excitedPeople = people.map((name) => name + '!');

Unidirectional Data Flow

  • Data-binding in other frameworks

  • React's data-flow

    • Data lives in the parent component.
    • Data is accessible by both the parent and child components.
    • Only the parent component can change the data.
    • If child component needs to make a change to the data, it would send the updated data to the parent component where the change will actually be made.

    {% img /images/2017-10-07-react-why-react/data-flow.png 400 225 %}

Just JavaScript